/*! * Fotorama 4.6.4 | http://fotorama.io/license/ */ fotoramaVersion = "4.6.4", function (a, b, c, d, e) { "use strict"; function f(a) { var b = "bez_" + d.makeArray(arguments).join("_").replace(".", "p"); if ("function" != typeof d.easing[b]) { var c = function (a, b) { var c = [null, null], d = [null, null], e = [null, null], f = function (f, g) { return e[g] = 3 * a[g], d[g] = 3 * (b[g] - a[g]) - e[g], c[g] = 1 - e[g] - d[g], f * (e[g] + f * (d[g] + f * c[g])) }, g = function (a) { return e[0] + a * (2 * d[0] + 3 * c[0] * a) }, h = function (a) { for (var b, c = a, d = 0; ++d < 14 && (b = f(c, 0) - a, !(Math.abs(b) < .001)); ) c -= b / g(c); return c }; return function (a) { return f(h(a), 1) } }; d.easing[b] = function (b, d, e, f, g) { return f * c([a[0], a[1]], [a[2], a[3]])(d / g) + e } } return b } function g() {} function h(a, b, c) { return Math.max(isNaN(b) ? -1 / 0 : b, Math.min(isNaN(c) ? 1 / 0 : c, a)) } function i(a) { return a.match(/ma/) && a.match(/-?\d+(?!d)/g)[a.match(/3d/) ? 12 : 4] } function j(a) { return Ic ? +i(a.css("transform")) : +a.css("left").replace("px", "") } function k(a) { var b = {}; return Ic ? b.transform = "translate3d(" + a + "px,0,0)" : b.left = a, b } function l(a) { return { "transition-duration" : a + "ms" } } function m(a, b) { return isNaN(a) ? b : a } function n(a, b) { return m(+String(a).replace(b || "px", "")) } function o(a) { return /%$/.test(a) ? n(a, "%") : e } function p(a, b) { return m(o(a) / 100 * b, n(a)) } function q(a) { return (!isNaN(n(a)) || !isNaN(n(a, "%"))) && a } function r(a, b, c, d) { return (a - (d || 0)) * (b + (c || 0)) } function s(a, b, c, d) { return -Math.round(a / (b + (c || 0)) - (d || 0)) } function t(a) { var b = a.data(); if (!b.tEnd) { var c = a[0], d = { WebkitTransition : "webkitTransitionEnd", MozTransition : "transitionend", OTransition : "oTransitionEnd otransitionend", msTransition : "MSTransitionEnd", transition : "transitionend" }; T(c, d[uc.prefixed("transition")], function (a) { b.tProp && a.propertyName.match(b.tProp) && b.onEndFn() }), b.tEnd = !0 } } function u(a, b, c, d) { var e, f = a.data(); f && (f.onEndFn = function () { e || (e = !0, clearTimeout(f.tT), c()) }, f.tProp = b, clearTimeout(f.tT), f.tT = setTimeout(function () { f.onEndFn() }, 1.5 * d), t(a)) } function v(a, b) { if (a.length) { var c = a.data(); Ic ? (a.css(l(0)), c.onEndFn = g, clearTimeout(c.tT)) : a.stop(); var d = w(b, function () { return j(a) }); return a.css(k(d)), d } } function w() { for (var a, b = 0, c = arguments.length; c > b && (a = b ? arguments[b]() : arguments[b], "number" != typeof a); b++); return a } function x(a, b) { return Math.round(a + (b - a) / 1.5) } function y() { return y.p = y.p || ("https:" === c.protocol ? "https://" : "http://"), y.p } function z(a) { var c = b.createElement("a"); return c.href = a, c } function A(a, b) { if ("string" != typeof a) return a; a = z(a); var c, d; if (a.host.match(/youtube\.com/) && a.search) { if (c = a.search.split("v=")[1]) { var e = c.indexOf("&"); -1 !== e && (c = c.substring(0, e)), d = "youtube" } } else a.host.match(/youtube\.com|youtu\.be/) ? (c = a.pathname.replace(/^\/(embed\/|v\/)?/, "").replace(/\/.*/, ""), d = "youtube") : a.host.match(/vimeo\.com/) && (d = "vimeo", c = a.pathname.replace(/^\/(video\/)?/, "").replace(/\/.*/, "")); return c && d || !b || (c = a.href, d = "custom"), c ? { id : c, type : d, s : a.search.replace(/^\?/, ""), p : y() } : !1 } function B(a, b, c) { var e, f, g = a.video; return "youtube" === g.type ? (f = y() + "img.youtube.com/vi/" + g.id + "/default.jpg", e = f.replace(/\/default.jpg$/, "/hqdefault.jpg"), a.thumbsReady = !0) : "vimeo" === g.type ? d.ajax({ url : y() + "vimeo.com/api/v2/video/" + g.id + ".json", dataType : "jsonp", success : function (d) { a.thumbsReady = !0, C(b, { img : d[0].thumbnail_large, thumb : d[0].thumbnail_small }, a.i, c) } }) : a.thumbsReady = !0, { img : e, thumb : f } } function C(a, b, c, e) { for (var f = 0, g = a.length; g > f; f++) { var h = a[f]; if (h.i === c && h.thumbsReady) { var i = { videoReady : !0 }; i[Xc] = i[Zc] = i[Yc] = !1, e.splice(f, 1, d.extend({}, h, i, b)); break } } } function D(a) { function b(a, b, e) { var f = a.children("img").eq(0), g = a.attr("href"), h = a.attr("src"), i = f.attr("src"), j = b.video, k = e ? A(g, j === !0) : !1; k ? g = !1 : k = j, c(a, f, d.extend(b, { video : k, img : b.img || g || h || i, thumb : b.thumb || i || h || g })) } function c(a, b, c) { var e = c.thumb && c.img !== c.thumb, f = n(c.width || a.attr("width")), g = n(c.height || a.attr("height")); d.extend(c, { width : f, height : g, thumbratio : S(c.thumbratio || n(c.thumbwidth || b && b.attr("width") || e || f) / n(c.thumbheight || b && b.attr("height") || e || g)) }) } var e = []; return a.children().each(function () { var a = d(this), f = R(d.extend(a.data(), { id : a.attr("id") })); if (a.is("a, img")) b(a, f, !0); else { if (a.is(":empty")) return; c(a, null, d.extend(f, { html : this, _html : a.html() })) } e.push(f) }), e } function E(a) { return 0 === a.offsetWidth && 0 === a.offsetHeight } function F(a) { return !d.contains(b.documentElement, a) } function G(a, b, c, d) { return G.i || (G.i = 1, G.ii = [!0]), d = d || G.i, "undefined" == typeof G.ii[d] && (G.ii[d] = !0), a() ? b() : G.ii[d] && setTimeout(function () { G.ii[d] && G(a, b, c, d) }, c || 100), G.i++ } function H(a) { c.replace(c.protocol + "//" + c.host + c.pathname.replace(/^\/?/, "/") + c.search + "#" + a) } function I(a, b, c, d) { var e = a.data(), f = e.measures; if (f && (!e.l || e.l.W !== f.width || e.l.H !== f.height || e.l.r !== f.ratio || e.l.w !== b.w || e.l.h !== b.h || e.l.m !== c || e.l.p !== d)) { var g = f.width, i = f.height, j = b.w / b.h, k = f.ratio >= j, l = "scaledown" === c, m = "contain" === c, n = "cover" === c, o = $(d); k && (l || m) || !k && n ? (g = h(b.w, 0, l ? g : 1 / 0), i = g / f.ratio) : (k && n || !k && (l || m)) && (i = h(b.h, 0, l ? i : 1 / 0), g = i * f.ratio), a.css({ width : g, height : i, left : p(o.x, b.w - g), top : p(o.y, b.h - i) }), e.l = { W : f.width, H : f.height, r : f.ratio, w : b.w, h : b.h, m : c, p : d } } return !0 } function J(a, b) { var c = a[0]; c.styleSheet ? c.styleSheet.cssText = b : a.html(b) } function K(a, b, c) { return b === c ? !1 : b >= a ? "left" : a >= c ? "right" : "left right" } function L(a, b, c, d) { if (!c) return !1; if (!isNaN(a)) return a - (d ? 0 : 1); for (var e, f = 0, g = b.length; g > f; f++) { var h = b[f]; if (h.id === a) { e = f; break } } return e } function M(a, b, c) { c = c || {}, a.each(function () { var a, e = d(this), f = e.data(); f.clickOn || (f.clickOn = !0, d.extend(cb(e, { onStart : function (b) { a = b, (c.onStart || g).call(this, b) }, onMove : c.onMove || g, onTouchEnd : c.onTouchEnd || g, onEnd : function (c) { c.moved || b.call(this, a) } }), { noMove : !0 })) }) } function N(a, b) { return '
' + (b || "") + "
" } function O(a) { for (var b = a.length; b; ) { var c = Math.floor(Math.random() * b--), d = a[b]; a[b] = a[c], a[c] = d } return a } function P(a) { return "[object Array]" == Object.prototype.toString.call(a) && d.map(a, function (a) { return d.extend({}, a) }) } function Q(a, b, c) { a.scrollLeft(b || 0).scrollTop(c || 0) } function R(a) { if (a) { var b = {}; return d.each(a, function (a, c) { b[a.toLowerCase()] = c }), b } } function S(a) { if (a) { var b = +a; return isNaN(b) ? (b = a.split("/"), +b[0] / +b[1] || e) : b } } function T(a, b, c, d) { b && (a.addEventListener ? a.addEventListener(b, c, !!d) : a.attachEvent("on" + b, c)) } function U(a) { return !!a.getAttribute("disabled") } function V(a) { return { tabindex : -1 * a + "", disabled : a } } function W(a, b) { T(a, "keyup", function (c) { U(a) || 13 == c.keyCode && b.call(a, c) }) } function X(a, b) { T(a, "focus", a.onfocusin = function (c) { b.call(a, c) }, !0) } function Y(a, b) { a.preventDefault ? a.preventDefault() : a.returnValue = !1, b && a.stopPropagation && a.stopPropagation() } function Z(a) { return a ? ">" : "<" } function $(a) { return a = (a + "").split(/\s+/), { x : q(a[0]) || bd, y : q(a[1]) || bd } } function _(a, b) { var c = a.data(), e = Math.round(b.pos), f = function () { c.sliding = !1, (b.onEnd || g)() }; "undefined" != typeof b.overPos && b.overPos !== b.pos && (e = b.overPos, f = function () { _(a, d.extend({}, b, { overPos : b.pos, time : Math.max(Qc, b.time / 2) })) }); var h = d.extend(k(e), b.width && { width : b.width }); c.sliding = !0, Ic ? (a.css(d.extend(l(b.time), h)), b.time > 10 ? u(a, "transform", f, b.time) : f()) : a.stop().animate(h, b.time, _c, f) } function ab(a, b, c, e, f, h) { var i = "undefined" != typeof h; if (i || (f.push(arguments), Array.prototype.push.call(arguments, f.length), !(f.length > 1))) { a = a || d(a), b = b || d(b); var j = a[0], k = b[0], l = "crossfade" === e.method, m = function () { if (!m.done) { m.done = !0; var a = (i || f.shift()) && f.shift(); a && ab.apply(this, a), (e.onEnd || g)(!!a) } }, n = e.time / (h || 1); c.removeClass(Rb + " " + Qb), a.stop().addClass(Rb), b.stop().addClass(Qb), l && k && a.fadeTo(0, 0), a.fadeTo(l ? n : 0, 1, l && m), b.fadeTo(n, 0, m), j && l || k || m() } } function bb(a) { var b = (a.touches || [])[0] || a; a._x = b.pageX, a._y = b.clientY, a._now = d.now() } function cb(a, c) { function e(a) { return m = d(a.target), u.checked = p = q = s = !1, k || u.flow || a.touches && a.touches.length > 1 || a.which > 1 || ed && ed.type !== a.type && gd || (p = c.select && m.is(c.select, t)) ? p : (o = "touchstart" === a.type, q = m.is("a, a *", t), n = u.control, r = u.noMove || u.noSwipe || n ? 16 : u.snap ? 0 : 4, bb(a), l = ed = a, fd = a.type.replace(/down|start/, "move").replace(/Down/, "Move"), (c.onStart || g).call(t, a, { control : n, $target : m }), k = u.flow = !0, void((!o || u.go) && Y(a))) } function f(a) { if (a.touches && a.touches.length > 1 || Nc && !a.isPrimary || fd !== a.type || !k) return k && h(), void(c.onTouchEnd || g)(); bb(a); var b = Math.abs(a._x - l._x), d = Math.abs(a._y - l._y), e = b - d, f = (u.go || u.x || e >= 0) && !u.noSwipe, i = 0 > e; o && !u.checked ? (k = f) && Y(a) : (Y(a), (c.onMove || g).call(t, a, { touch : o })), !s && Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b, 2) + Math.pow(d, 2)) > r && (s = !0), u.checked = u.checked || f || i } function h(a) { (c.onTouchEnd || g)(); var b = k; u.control = k = !1, b && (u.flow = !1), !b || q && !u.checked || (a && Y(a), gd = !0, clearTimeout(hd), hd = setTimeout(function () { gd = !1 }, 1e3), (c.onEnd || g).call(t, { moved : s, $target : m, control : n, touch : o, startEvent : l, aborted : !a || "MSPointerCancel" === a.type })) } function i() { u.flow || setTimeout(function () { u.flow = !0 }, 10) } function j() { u.flow && setTimeout(function () { u.flow = !1 }, Pc) } var k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t = a[0], u = {}; return Nc ? (T(t, "MSPointerDown", e), T(b, "MSPointerMove", f), T(b, "MSPointerCancel", h), T(b, "MSPointerUp", h)) : (T(t, "touchstart", e), T(t, "touchmove", f), T(t, "touchend", h), T(b, "touchstart", i), T(b, "touchend", j), T(b, "touchcancel", j), Ec.on("scroll", j), a.on("mousedown", e), Fc.on("mousemove", f).on("mouseup", h)), a.on("click", "a", function (a) { u.checked && Y(a) }), u } function db(a, b) { function c(c, d) { A = !0, j = l = c._x, q = c._now, p = [[q, j]], m = n = D.noMove || d ? 0 : v(a, (b.getPos || g)()), (b.onStart || g).call(B, c) } function e(a, b) { s = D.min, t = D.max, u = D.snap, w = a.altKey, A = z = !1, y = b.control, y || C.sliding || c(a) } function f(d, e) { D.noSwipe || (A || c(d), l = d._x, p.push([d._now, l]), n = m - (j - l), o = K(n, s, t), s >= n ? n = x(n, s) : n >= t && (n = x(n, t)), D.noMove || (a.css(k(n)), z || (z = !0, e.touch || Nc || a.addClass(ec)), (b.onMove || g).call(B, d, { pos : n, edge : o }))) } function i(e) { if (!D.noSwipe || !e.moved) { A || c(e.startEvent, !0), e.touch || Nc || a.removeClass(ec), r = d.now(); for (var f, i, j, k, o, q, v, x, y, z = r - Pc, C = null, E = Qc, F = b.friction, G = p.length - 1; G >= 0; G--) { if (f = p[G][0], i = Math.abs(f - z), null === C || j > i) C = f, k = p[G][1]; else if (C === z || i > j) break; j = i } v = h(n, s, t); var H = k - l, I = H >= 0, J = r - C, K = J > Pc, L = !K && n !== m && v === n; u && (v = h(Math[L ? I ? "floor" : "ceil" : "round"](n / u) * u, s, t), s = t = v), L && (u || v === n) && (y = - (H / J), E *= h(Math.abs(y), b.timeLow, b.timeHigh), o = Math.round(n + y * E / F), u || (v = o), (!I && o > t || I && s > o) && (q = I ? s : t, x = o - q, u || (v = q), x = h(v + .03 * x, q - 50, q + 50), E = Math.abs((n - x) / (y / F)))), E *= w ? 10 : 1, (b.onEnd || g).call(B, d.extend(e, { moved : e.moved || K && u, pos : n, newPos : v, overPos : x, time : E })) } } var j, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, w, y, z, A, B = a[0], C = a.data(), D = {}; return D = d.extend(cb(b.$wrap, d.extend({}, b, { onStart : e, onMove : f, onEnd : i })), D) } function eb(a, b) { var c, e, f, h = a[0], i = { prevent : {} }; return T(h, Oc, function (a) { var h = a.wheelDeltaY || -1 * a.deltaY || 0, j = a.wheelDeltaX || -1 * a.deltaX || 0, k = Math.abs(j) && !Math.abs(h), l = Z(0 > j), m = e === l, n = d.now(), o = Pc > n - f; e = l, f = n, k && i.ok && (!i.prevent[l] || c) && (Y(a, !0), c && m && o || (b.shift && (c = !0, clearTimeout(i.t), i.t = setTimeout(function () { c = !1 }, Rc)), (b.onEnd || g)(a, b.shift ? l : j))) }), i } function fb() { d.each(d.Fotorama.instances, function (a, b) { b.index = a }) } function gb(a) { d.Fotorama.instances.push(a), fb() } function hb(a) { d.Fotorama.instances.splice(a.index, 1), fb() } var ib = "fotorama", jb = "fullscreen", kb = ib + "__wrap", lb = kb + "--css2", mb = kb + "--css3", nb = kb + "--video", ob = kb + "--fade", pb = kb + "--slide", qb = kb + "--no-controls", rb = kb + "--no-shadows", sb = kb + "--pan-y", tb = kb + "--rtl", ub = kb + "--only-active", vb = kb + "--no-captions", wb = kb + "--toggle-arrows", xb = ib + "__stage", yb = xb + "__frame", zb = yb + "--video", Ab = xb + "__shaft", Bb = ib + "__grab", Cb = ib + "__pointer", Db = ib + "__arr", Eb = Db + "--disabled", Fb = Db + "--prev", Gb = Db + "--next", Hb = ib + "__nav", Ib = Hb + "-wrap", Jb = Hb + "__shaft", Kb = Hb + "--dots", Lb = Hb + "--thumbs", Mb = Hb + "__frame", Nb = Mb + "--dot", Ob = Mb + "--thumb", Pb = ib + "__fade", Qb = Pb + "-front", Rb = Pb + "-rear", Sb = ib + "__shadow", Tb = Sb + "s", Ub = Tb + "--left", Vb = Tb + "--right", Wb = ib + "__active", Xb = ib + "__select", Yb = ib + "--hidden", Zb = ib + "--fullscreen", $b = ib + "__fullscreen-icon", _b = ib + "__error", ac = ib + "__loading", bc = ib + "__loaded", cc = bc + "--full", dc = bc + "--img", ec = ib + "__grabbing", fc = ib + "__img", gc = fc + "--full", hc = ib + "__dot", ic = ib + "__thumb", jc = ic + "-border", kc = ib + "__html", lc = ib + "__video", mc = lc + "-play", nc = lc + "-close", oc = ib + "__caption", pc = ib + "__caption__wrap", qc = ib + "__spinner", rc = '" tabindex="0" role="button', sc = d && d.fn.jquery.split("."); if (!sc || sc[0] < 1 || 1 == sc[0] && sc[1] < 8) throw "Fotorama requires jQuery 1.8 or later and will not run without it."; var tc = {}, uc = function (a, b, c) { function d(a) { r.cssText = a } function e(a, b) { return typeof a === b } function f(a, b) { return !!~("" + a).indexOf(b) } function g(a, b) { for (var d in a) { var e = a[d]; if (!f(e, "-") && r[e] !== c) return "pfx" == b ? e : !0 } return !1 } function h(a, b, d) { for (var f in a) { var g = b[a[f]]; if (g !== c) return d === !1 ? a[f] : e(g, "function") ? g.bind(d || b) : g } return !1 } function i(a, b, c) { var d = a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a.slice(1), f = (a + " " + u.join(d + " ") + d).split(" "); return e(b, "string") || e(b, "undefined") ? g(f, b) : (f = (a + " " + v.join(d + " ") + d).split(" "), h(f, b, c)) } var j, k, l, m = "2.6.2", n = {}, o = b.documentElement, p = "modernizr", q = b.createElement(p), r = q.style, s = ({} .toString, " -webkit- -moz- -o- -ms- ".split(" ")), t = "Webkit Moz O ms", u = t.split(" "), v = t.toLowerCase().split(" "), w = {}, x = [], y = x.slice, z = function (a, c, d, e) { var f, g, h, i, j = b.createElement("div"), k = b.body, l = k || b.createElement("body"); if (parseInt(d, 10)) for (; d--; ) h = b.createElement("div"), h.id = e ? e[d] : p + (d + 1), j.appendChild(h); return f = ["­", '"].join(""), j.id = p, (k ? j : l).innerHTML += f, l.appendChild(j), k || (l.style.background = "", l.style.overflow = "hidden", i = o.style.overflow, o.style.overflow = "hidden", o.appendChild(l)), g = c(j, a), k ? j.parentNode.removeChild(j) : (l.parentNode.removeChild(l), o.style.overflow = i), !!g }, A = {} .hasOwnProperty; l = e(A, "undefined") || e(A.call, "undefined") ? function (a, b) { return b in a && e(a.constructor.prototype[b], "undefined") } : function (a, b) { return A.call(a, b) }, Function.prototype.bind || (Function.prototype.bind = function (a) { var b = this; if ("function" != typeof b) throw new TypeError; var c = y.call(arguments, 1), d = function () { if (this instanceof d) { var e = function () {}; e.prototype = b.prototype; var f = new e, g = b.apply(f, c.concat(y.call(arguments))); return Object(g) === g ? g : f } return b.apply(a, c.concat(y.call(arguments))) }; return d }), w.csstransforms3d = function () { var a = !!i("perspective"); return a }; for (var B in w) l(w, B) && (k = B.toLowerCase(), n[k] = w[B](), x.push((n[k] ? "" : "no-") + k)); return n.addTest = function (a, b) { if ("object" == typeof a) for (var d in a) l(a, d) && n.addTest(d, a[d]); else { if (a = a.toLowerCase(), n[a] !== c) return n; b = "function" == typeof b ? b() : b, "undefined" != typeof enableClasses && enableClasses && (o.className += " " + (b ? "" : "no-") + a), n[a] = b } return n }, d(""), q = j = null, n._version = m, n._prefixes = s, n._domPrefixes = v, n._cssomPrefixes = u, n.testProp = function (a) { return g([a]) }, n.testAllProps = i, n.testStyles = z, n.prefixed = function (a, b, c) { return b ? i(a, b, c) : i(a, "pfx") }, n } (a, b), vc = { ok : !1, is : function () { return !1 }, request : function () {}, cancel : function () {}, event : "", prefix : "" }, wc = "webkit moz o ms khtml".split(" "); if ("undefined" != typeof b.cancelFullScreen) vc.ok = !0; else for (var xc = 0, yc = wc.length; yc > xc; xc++) if (vc.prefix = wc[xc], "undefined" != typeof b[vc.prefix + "CancelFullScreen"]) { vc.ok = !0; break } vc.ok && (vc.event = vc.prefix + "fullscreenchange", vc.is = function () { switch (this.prefix) { case "": return b.fullScreen; case "webkit": return b.webkitIsFullScreen; default: return b[this.prefix + "FullScreen"] } }, vc.request = function (a) { return "" === this.prefix ? a.requestFullScreen() : a[this.prefix + "RequestFullScreen"]() }, vc.cancel = function () { return "" === this.prefix ? b.cancelFullScreen() : b[this.prefix + "CancelFullScreen"]() }); var zc, Ac = { lines : 12, length : 5, width : 2, radius : 7, corners : 1, rotate : 15, color : "rgba(128, 128, 128, .75)", hwaccel : !0 }, Bc = { top : "auto", left : "auto", className : "" }; !function (a, b) { zc = b() } (this, function () { function a(a, c) { var d, e = b.createElement(a || "div"); for (d in c) e[d] = c[d]; return e } function c(a) { for (var b = 1, c = arguments.length; c > b; b++) a.appendChild(arguments[b]); return a } function d(a, b, c, d) { var e = ["opacity", b, ~~(100 * a), c, d].join("-"), f = .01 + c / d * 100, g = Math.max(1 - (1 - a) / b * (100 - f), a), h = m.substring(0, m.indexOf("Animation")).toLowerCase(), i = h && "-" + h + "-" || ""; return o[e] || (p.insertRule("@" + i + "keyframes " + e + "{0%{opacity:" + g + "}" + f + "%{opacity:" + a + "}" + (f + .01) + "%{opacity:1}" + (f + b) % 100 + "%{opacity:" + a + "}100%{opacity:" + g + "}}", p.cssRules.length), o[e] = 1), e } function f(a, b) { var c, d, f = a.style; for (b = b.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + b.slice(1), d = 0; d < n.length; d++) if (c = n[d] + b, f[c] !== e) return c; return f[b] !== e ? b : void 0 } function g(a, b) { for (var c in b) a.style[f(a, c) || c] = b[c]; return a } function h(a) { for (var b = 1; b < arguments.length; b++) { var c = arguments[b]; for (var d in c) a[d] === e && (a[d] = c[d]) } return a } function i(a) { for (var b = { x : a.offsetLeft, y : a.offsetTop }; a = a.offsetParent; ) b.x += a.offsetLeft, b.y += a.offsetTop; return b } function j(a, b) { return "string" == typeof a ? a : a[b % a.length] } function k(a) { return "undefined" == typeof this ? new k(a) : void(this.opts = h(a || {}, k.defaults, q)) } function l() { function b(b, c) { return a("<" + b + ' xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft.com:vml" class="spin-vml">', c) } p.addRule(".spin-vml", "behavior:url(#default#VML)"), k.prototype.lines = function (a, d) { function e() { return g(b("group", { coordsize : k + " " + k, coordorigin : -i + " " + -i }), { width : k, height : k }) } function f(a, f, h) { c(m, c(g(e(), { rotation : 360 / d.lines * a + "deg", left : ~~f }), c(g(b("roundrect", { arcsize : d.corners }), { width : i, height : d.width, left : d.radius, top : -d.width >> 1, filter : h }), b("fill", { color : j(d.color, a), opacity : d.opacity }), b("stroke", { opacity : 0 })))) } var h, i = d.length + d.width, k = 2 * i, l = 2 * - (d.width + d.length) + "px", m = g(e(), { position : "absolute", top : l, left : l }); if (d.shadow) for (h = 1; h <= d.lines; h++) f(h, -2, "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(pixelradius=2,makeshadow=1,shadowopacity=.3)"); for (h = 1; h <= d.lines; h++) f(h); return c(a, m) }, k.prototype.opacity = function (a, b, c, d) { var e = a.firstChild; d = d.shadow && d.lines || 0, e && b + d < e.childNodes.length && (e = e.childNodes[b + d], e = e && e.firstChild, e = e && e.firstChild, e && (e.opacity = c)) } } var m, n = ["webkit", "Moz", "ms", "O"], o = {}, p = function () { var d = a("style", { type : "text/css" }); return c(b.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], d), d.sheet || d.styleSheet } (), q = { lines : 12, length : 7, width : 5, radius : 10, rotate : 0, corners : 1, color : "#000", direction : 1, speed : 1, trail : 100, opacity : .25, fps : 20, zIndex : 2e9, className : "spinner", top : "auto", left : "auto", position : "relative" }; k.defaults = {}, h(k.prototype, { spin : function (b) { this.stop(); var c, d, e = this, f = e.opts, h = e.el = g(a(0, { className : f.className }), { position : f.position, width : 0, zIndex : f.zIndex }), j = f.radius + f.length + f.width; if (b && (b.insertBefore(h, b.firstChild || null), d = i(b), c = i(h), g(h, { left : ("auto" == f.left ? d.x - c.x + (b.offsetWidth >> 1) : parseInt(f.left, 10) + j) + "px", top : ("auto" == f.top ? d.y - c.y + (b.offsetHeight >> 1) : parseInt(f.top, 10) + j) + "px" })), h.setAttribute("role", "progressbar"), e.lines(h, e.opts), !m) { var k, l = 0, n = (f.lines - 1) * (1 - f.direction) / 2, o = f.fps, p = o / f.speed, q = (1 - f.opacity) / (p * f.trail / 100), r = p / f.lines; !function s() { l++; for (var a = 0; a < f.lines; a++) k = Math.max(1 - (l + (f.lines - a) * r) % p * q, f.opacity), e.opacity(h, a * f.direction + n, k, f); e.timeout = e.el && setTimeout(s, ~~(1e3 / o)) } () } return e }, stop : function () { var a = this.el; return a && (clearTimeout(this.timeout), a.parentNode && a.parentNode.removeChild(a), this.el = e), this }, lines : function (b, e) { function f(b, c) { return g(a(), { position : "absolute", width : e.length + e.width + "px", height : e.width + "px", background : b, boxShadow : c, transformOrigin : "left", transform : "rotate(" + ~~(360 / e.lines * i + e.rotate) + "deg) translate(" + e.radius + "px,0)", borderRadius : (e.corners * e.width >> 1) + "px" }) } for (var h, i = 0, k = (e.lines - 1) * (1 - e.direction) / 2; i < e.lines; i++) h = g(a(), { position : "absolute", top : 1 + ~(e.width / 2) + "px", transform : e.hwaccel ? "translate3d(0,0,0)" : "", opacity : e.opacity, animation : m && d(e.opacity, e.trail, k + i * e.direction, e.lines) + " " + 1 / e.speed + "s linear infinite" }), e.shadow && c(h, g(f("#000", "0 0 4px #000"), { top : "2px" })), c(b, c(h, f(j(e.color, i), "0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.1)"))); return b }, opacity : function (a, b, c) { b < a.childNodes.length && (a.childNodes[b].style.opacity = c) } }); var r = g(a("group"), { behavior : "url(#default#VML)" }); return !f(r, "transform") && r.adj ? l() : m = f(r, "animation"), k }); var Cc, Dc, Ec = d(a), Fc = d(b), Gc = "quirks" === c.hash.replace("#", ""), Hc = uc.csstransforms3d, Ic = Hc && !Gc, Jc = Hc || "CSS1Compat" === b.compatMode, Kc = vc.ok, Lc = navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|Windows Phone/i), Mc = !Ic || Lc, Nc = navigator.msPointerEnabled, Oc = "onwheel" in b.createElement("div") ? "wheel" : b.onmousewheel !== e ? "mousewheel" : "DOMMouseScroll", Pc = 250, Qc = 300, Rc = 1400, Sc = 5e3, Tc = 2, Uc = 64, Vc = 500, Wc = 333, Xc = "$stageFrame", Yc = "$navDotFrame", Zc = "$navThumbFrame", $c = "auto", _c = f([.1, 0, .25, 1]), ad = 99999, bd = "50%", cd = { width : null, minwidth : null, maxwidth : "100%", height : null, minheight : null, maxheight : null, ratio : null, margin : Tc, glimpse : 0, fit : "contain", position : bd, thumbposition : bd, nav : "dots", navposition : "bottom", navwidth : null, thumbwidth : Uc, thumbheight : Uc, thumbmargin : Tc, thumbborderwidth : Tc, thumbfit : "cover", allowfullscreen : !1, transition : "slide", clicktransition : null, transitionduration : Qc, captions : !0, hash : !1, startindex : 0, loop : !1, autoplay : !1, stopautoplayontouch : !0, keyboard : !1, arrows : !0, click : !0, swipe : !0, trackpad : !1, enableifsingleframe : !1, controlsonstart : !0, shuffle : !1, direction : "ltr", shadows : !0, spinner : null }, dd = { left : !0, right : !0, down : !1, up : !1, space : !1, home : !1, end : !1 }; G.stop = function (a) { G.ii[a] = !1 }; var ed, fd, gd, hd; jQuery.Fotorama = function (a, e) { function f() { d.each(yd, function (a, b) { if (!b.i) { b.i = me++; var c = A(b.video, !0); if (c) { var d = {}; b.video = c, b.img || b.thumb ? b.thumbsReady = !0 : d = B(b, yd, ie), C(yd, { img : d.img, thumb : d.thumb }, b.i, ie) } } }) } function g(a) { return Zd[a] || ie.fullScreen } function i(a) { var b = "keydown." + ib, c = ib + je, d = "keydown." + c, f = "resize." + c + " orientationchange." + c; a ? (Fc.on(d, function (a) { var b, c; Cd && 27 === a.keyCode ? (b = !0, md(Cd, !0, !0)) : (ie.fullScreen || e.keyboard && !ie.index) && (27 === a.keyCode ? (b = !0, ie.cancelFullScreen()) : a.shiftKey && 32 === a.keyCode && g("space") || 37 === a.keyCode && g("left") || 38 === a.keyCode && g("up") ? c = "<" : 32 === a.keyCode && g("space") || 39 === a.keyCode && g("right") || 40 === a.keyCode && g("down") ? c = ">" : 36 === a.keyCode && g("home") ? c = "<<" : 35 === a.keyCode && g("end") && (c = ">>")), (b || c) && Y(a), c && ie.show({ index : c, slow : a.altKey, user : !0 }) }), ie.index || Fc.off(b).on(b, "textarea, input, select", function (a) { !Dc.hasClass(jb) && a.stopPropagation() }), Ec.on(f, ie.resize)) : (Fc.off(d), Ec.off(f)) } function j(b) { b !== j.f && (b ? (a.html("").addClass(ib + " " + ke).append(qe).before(oe).before(pe), gb(ie)) : (qe.detach(), oe.detach(), pe.detach(), a.html(ne.urtext).removeClass(ke), hb(ie)), i(b), j.f = b) } function m() { yd = ie.data = yd || P(e.data) || D(a), zd = ie.size = yd.length, !xd.ok && e.shuffle && O(yd), f(), Je = y(Je), zd && j(!0) } function o() { var a = 2 > zd && !e.enableifsingleframe || Cd; Me.noMove = a || Sd, Me.noSwipe = a || !e.swipe, !Wd && se.toggleClass(Bb, !e.click && !Me.noMove && !Me.noSwipe), Nc && qe.toggleClass(sb, !Me.noSwipe) } function t(a) { a === !0 && (a = ""), e.autoplay = Math.max(+a || Sc, 1.5 * Vd) } function u() { function a(a, c) { b[a ? "add" : "remove"].push(c) } ie.options = e = R(e), Sd = "crossfade" === e.transition || "dissolve" === e.transition, Md = e.loop && (zd > 2 || Sd && (!Wd || "slide" !== Wd)), Vd = +e.transitionduration || Qc, Yd = "rtl" === e.direction, Zd = d.extend({}, e.keyboard && dd, e.keyboard); var b = { add : [], remove : [] }; zd > 1 || e.enableifsingleframe ? (Nd = e.nav, Pd = "top" === e.navposition, b.remove.push(Xb), we.toggle(!!e.arrows)) : (Nd = !1, we.hide()), Rb(), Bd = new zc(d.extend(Ac, e.spinner, Bc, { direction : Yd ? -1 : 1 })), Gc(), Hc(), e.autoplay && t(e.autoplay), Td = n(e.thumbwidth) || Uc, Ud = n(e.thumbheight) || Uc, Ne.ok = Pe.ok = e.trackpad && !Mc, o(), ed(e, [Le]), Od = "thumbs" === Nd, Od ? (lc(zd, "navThumb"), Ad = Be, he = Zc, J(oe, d.Fotorama.jst.style({ w : Td, h : Ud, b : e.thumbborderwidth, m : e.thumbmargin, s : je, q : !Jc })), ye.addClass(Lb).removeClass(Kb)) : "dots" === Nd ? (lc(zd, "navDot"), Ad = Ae, he = Yc, ye.addClass(Kb).removeClass(Lb)) : (Nd = !1, ye.removeClass(Lb + " " + Kb)), Nd && (Pd ? xe.insertBefore(re) : xe.insertAfter(re), wc.nav = !1, wc(Ad, ze, "nav")), Qd = e.allowfullscreen, Qd ? (De.prependTo(re), Rd = Kc && "native" === Qd) : (De.detach(), Rd = !1), a(Sd, ob), a(!Sd, pb), a(!e.captions, vb), a(Yd, tb), a("always" !== e.arrows, wb), Xd = e.shadows && !Mc, a(!Xd, rb), qe.addClass(b.add.join(" ")).removeClass(b.remove.join(" ")), Ke = d.extend({}, e) } function x(a) { return 0 > a ? (zd + a % zd) % zd : a >= zd ? a % zd : a } function y(a) { return h(a, 0, zd - 1) } function z(a) { return Md ? x(a) : y(a) } function E(a) { return a > 0 || Md ? a - 1 : !1 } function U(a) { return zd - 1 > a || Md ? a + 1 : !1 } function $() { Me.min = Md ? -1 / 0 : -r(zd - 1, Le.w, e.margin, Fd), Me.max = Md ? 1 / 0 : -r(0, Le.w, e.margin, Fd), Me.snap = Le.w + e.margin } function bb() { Oe.min = Math.min(0, Le.nw - ze.width()), Oe.max = 0, ze.toggleClass(Bb, !(Oe.noMove = Oe.min === Oe.max)) } function cb(a, b, c) { if ("number" == typeof a) { a = new Array(a); var e = !0 } return d.each(a, function (a, d) { if (e && (d = a), "number" == typeof d) { var f = yd[x(d)]; if (f) { var g = "$" + b + "Frame", h = f[g]; c.call(this, a, d, f, h, g, h && h.data()) } } }) } function fb(a, b, c, d) { (!$d || "*" === $d && d === Ld) && (a = q(e.width) || q(a) || Vc, b = q(e.height) || q(b) || Wc, ie.resize({ width : a, ratio : e.ratio || c || a / b }, 0, d !== Ld && "*")) } function Pb(a, b, c, f, g, h) { cb(a, b, function (a, i, j, k, l, m) { function n(a) { var b = x(i); fd(a, { index : b, src : w, frame : yd[b] }) } function o() { t.remove(), d.Fotorama.cache[w] = "error", j.html && "stage" === b || !y || y === w ? (!w || j.html || r ? "stage" === b && (k.trigger("f:load").removeClass(ac + " " + _b).addClass(bc), n("load"), fb()) : (k.trigger("f:error").removeClass(ac).addClass(_b), n("error")), m.state = "error", !(zd > 1 && yd[i] === j) || j.html || j.deleted || j.video || r || (j.deleted = !0, ie.splice(i, 1))) : (j[v] = w = y, Pb([i], b, c, f, g, !0)) } function p() { d.Fotorama.measures[w] = u.measures = d.Fotorama.measures[w] || { width : s.width, height : s.height, ratio : s.width / s.height }, fb(u.measures.width, u.measures.height, u.measures.ratio, i), t.off("load error").addClass(fc + (r ? " " + gc : "")).prependTo(k), I(t, (d.isFunction(c) ? c() : c) || Le, f || j.fit || e.fit, g || j.position || e.position), d.Fotorama.cache[w] = m.state = "loaded", setTimeout(function () { k.trigger("f:load").removeClass(ac + " " + _b).addClass(bc + " " + (r ? cc : dc)), "stage" === b ? n("load") : (j.thumbratio === $c || !j.thumbratio && e.thumbratio === $c) && (j.thumbratio = u.measures.ratio, vd()) }, 0) } function q() { var a = 10; G(function () { return !fe || !a-- && !Mc }, function () { p() }) } if (k) { var r = ie.fullScreen && j.full && j.full !== j.img && !m.$full && "stage" === b; if (!m.$img || h || r) { var s = new Image, t = d(s), u = t.data(); m[r ? "$full" : "$img"] = t; var v = "stage" === b ? r ? "full" : "img" : "thumb", w = j[v], y = r ? null : j["stage" === b ? "thumb" : "img"]; if ("navThumb" === b && (k = m.$wrap), !w) return void o(); d.Fotorama.cache[w] ? !function z() { "error" === d.Fotorama.cache[w] ? o() : "loaded" === d.Fotorama.cache[w] ? setTimeout(q, 0) : setTimeout(z, 100) } () : (d.Fotorama.cache[w] = "*", t.on("load", q).on("error", o)), m.state = "", s.src = w } } }) } function Qb(a) { Ie.append(Bd.spin().el).appendTo(a) } function Rb() { Ie.detach(), Bd && Bd.stop() } function Sb() { var a = Dd[Xc]; a && !a.data().state && (Qb(a), a.on("f:load f:error", function () { a.off("f:load f:error"), Rb() })) } function ec(a) { W(a, sd), X(a, function () { setTimeout(function () { Q(ye) }, 0), Rc({ time : Vd, guessIndex : d(this).data().eq, minMax : Oe }) }) } function lc(a, b) { cb(a, b, function (a, c, e, f, g, h) { if (!f) { f = e[g] = qe[g].clone(), h = f.data(), h.data = e; var i = f[0]; "stage" === b ? (e.html && d('
').append(e._html ? d(e.html).removeAttr("id").html(e._html) : e.html).appendTo(f), e.caption && d(N(oc, N(pc, e.caption))).appendTo(f), e.video && f.addClass(zb).append(Fe.clone()), X(i, function () { setTimeout(function () { Q(re) }, 0), pd({ index : h.eq, user : !0 }) }), te = te.add(f)) : "navDot" === b ? (ec(i), Ae = Ae.add(f)) : "navThumb" === b && (ec(i), h.$wrap = f.children(":first"), Be = Be.add(f), e.video && h.$wrap.append(Fe.clone())) } }) } function sc(a, b, c, d) { return a && a.length && I(a, b, c, d) } function tc(a) { cb(a, "stage", function (a, b, c, f, g, h) { if (f) { var i = x(b), j = c.fit || e.fit, k = c.position || e.position; h.eq = i, Re[Xc][i] = f.css(d.extend({ left : Sd ? 0 : r(b, Le.w, e.margin, Fd) }, Sd && l(0))), F(f[0]) && (f.appendTo(se), md(c.$video)), sc(h.$img, Le, j, k), sc(h.$full, Le, j, k) } }) } function uc(a, b) { if ("thumbs" === Nd && !isNaN(a)) { var c = -a, f = -a + Le.nw; Be.each(function () { var a = d(this), g = a.data(), h = g.eq, i = function () { return { h : Ud, w : g.w } }, j = i(), k = yd[h] || {}, l = k.thumbfit || e.thumbfit, m = k.thumbposition || e.thumbposition; j.w = g.w, g.l + g.w < c || g.l > f || sc(g.$img, j, l, m) || b && Pb([h], "navThumb", i, l, m) }) } } function wc(a, b, c) { if (!wc[c]) { var f = "nav" === c && Od, g = 0; b.append(a.filter(function () { for (var a, b = d(this), c = b.data(), e = 0, f = yd.length; f > e; e++) if (c.data === yd[e]) { a = !0, c.eq = e; break } return a || b.remove() && !1 }).sort(function (a, b) { return d(a).data().eq - d(b).data().eq }).each(function () { if (f) { var a = d(this), b = a.data(), c = Math.round(Ud * b.data.thumbratio) || Td; b.l = g, b.w = c, a.css({ width : c }), g += c + e.thumbmargin } })), wc[c] = !0 } } function xc(a) { return a - Se > Le.w / 3 } function yc(a) { return !(Md || Je + a && Je - zd + a || Cd) } function Gc() { var a = yc(0), b = yc(1); ue.toggleClass(Eb, a).attr(V(a)), ve.toggleClass(Eb, b).attr(V(b)) } function Hc() { Ne.ok && (Ne.prevent = { "<" : yc(0), ">" : yc(1) }) } function Lc(a) { var b, c, d = a.data(); return Od ? (b = d.l, c = d.w) : (b = a.position().left, c = a.width()), { c : b + c / 2, min : -b + 10 * e.thumbmargin, max : -b + Le.w - c - 10 * e.thumbmargin } } function Oc(a) { var b = Dd[he].data(); _(Ce, { time : 1.2 * a, pos : b.l, width : b.w - 2 * e.thumbborderwidth }) } function Rc(a) { var b = yd[a.guessIndex][he]; if (b) { var c = Oe.min !== Oe.max, d = a.minMax || c && Lc(Dd[he]), e = c && (a.keep && Rc.l ? Rc.l : h((a.coo || Le.nw / 2) - Lc(b).c, d.min, d.max)), f = c && h(e, Oe.min, Oe.max), g = 1.1 * a.time; _(ze, { time : g, pos : f || 0, onEnd : function () { uc(f, !0) } }), ld(ye, K(f, Oe.min, Oe.max)), Rc.l = e } } function Tc() { _c(he), Qe[he].push(Dd[he].addClass(Wb)) } function _c(a) { for (var b = Qe[a]; b.length; ) b.shift().removeClass(Wb) } function bd(a) { var b = Re[a]; d.each(Ed, function (a, c) { delete b[x(c)] }), d.each(b, function (a, c) { delete b[a], c.detach() }) } function cd(a) { Fd = Gd = Je; var b = Dd[Xc]; b && (_c(Xc), Qe[Xc].push(b.addClass(Wb)), a || ie.show.onEnd(!0), v(se, 0, !0), bd(Xc), tc(Ed), $(), bb()) } function ed(a, b) { a && d.each(b, function (b, c) { c && d.extend(c, { width : a.width || c.width, height : a.height, minwidth : a.minwidth, maxwidth : a.maxwidth, minheight : a.minheight, maxheight : a.maxheight, ratio : S(a.ratio) }) }) } function fd(b, c) { a.trigger(ib + ":" + b, [ie, c]) } function gd() { clearTimeout(hd.t), fe = 1, e.stopautoplayontouch ? ie.stopAutoplay() : ce = !0 } function hd() { fe && (e.stopautoplayontouch || (id(), jd()), hd.t = setTimeout(function () { fe = 0 }, Qc + Pc)) } function id() { ce = !(!Cd && !de) } function jd() { if (clearTimeout(jd.t), G.stop(jd.w), !e.autoplay || ce) return void(ie.autoplay && (ie.autoplay = !1, fd("stopautoplay"))); ie.autoplay || (ie.autoplay = !0, fd("startautoplay")); var a = Je, b = Dd[Xc].data(); jd.w = G(function () { return b.state || a !== Je }, function () { jd.t = setTimeout(function () { if (!ce && a === Je) { var b = Kd, c = yd[b][Xc].data(); jd.w = G(function () { return c.state || b !== Kd }, function () { ce || b !== Kd || ie.show(Md ? Z(!Yd) : Kd) }) } }, e.autoplay) }) } function kd() { ie.fullScreen && (ie.fullScreen = !1, Kc && vc.cancel(le), Dc.removeClass(jb), Cc.removeClass(jb), a.removeClass(Zb).insertAfter(pe), Le = d.extend({}, ee), md(Cd, !0, !0), rd("x", !1), ie.resize(), Pb(Ed, "stage"), Q(Ec, ae, _d), fd("fullscreenexit")) } function ld(a, b) { Xd && (a.removeClass(Ub + " " + Vb), b && !Cd && a.addClass(b.replace(/^|\s/g, " " + Tb + "--"))) } function md(a, b, c) { b && (qe.removeClass(nb), Cd = !1, o()), a && a !== Cd && (a.remove(), fd("unloadvideo")), c && (id(), jd()) } function nd(a) { qe.toggleClass(qb, a) } function od(a) { if (!Me.flow) { var b = a ? a.pageX : od.x, c = b && !yc(xc(b)) && e.click; od.p !== c && re.toggleClass(Cb, c) && (od.p = c, od.x = b) } } function pd(a) { clearTimeout(pd.t), e.clicktransition && e.clicktransition !== e.transition ? setTimeout(function () { var b = e.transition; ie.setOptions({ transition : e.clicktransition }), Wd = b, pd.t = setTimeout(function () { ie.show(a) }, 10) }, 0) : ie.show(a) } function qd(a, b) { var c = a.target, f = d(c); f.hasClass(mc) ? ie.playVideo() : c === Ee ? ie.toggleFullScreen() : Cd ? c === He && md(Cd, !0, !0) : b ? nd() : e.click && pd({ index : a.shiftKey || Z(xc(a._x)), slow : a.altKey, user : !0 }) } function rd(a, b) { Me[a] = Oe[a] = b } function sd(a) { var b = d(this).data().eq; pd({ index : b, slow : a.altKey, user : !0, coo : a._x - ye.offset().left }) } function td(a) { pd({ index : we.index(this) ? ">" : "<", slow : a.altKey, user : !0 }) } function ud(a) { X(a, function () { setTimeout(function () { Q(re) }, 0), nd(!1) }) } function vd() { if (m(), u(), !vd.i) { vd.i = !0; var a = e.startindex; (a || e.hash && c.hash) && (Ld = L(a || c.hash.replace(/^#/, ""), yd, 0 === ie.index || a, a)), Je = Fd = Gd = Hd = Ld = z(Ld) || 0 } if (zd) { if (wd()) return; Cd && md(Cd, !0), Ed = [], bd(Xc), vd.ok = !0, ie.show({ index : Je, time : 0 }), ie.resize() } else ie.destroy() } function wd() { return !wd.f === Yd ? (wd.f = Yd, Je = zd - 1 - Je, ie.reverse(), !0) : void 0 } function xd() { xd.ok || (xd.ok = !0, fd("ready")) } Cc = d("html"), Dc = d("body"); var yd, zd, Ad, Bd, Cd, Dd, Ed, Fd, Gd, Hd, Id, Jd, Kd, Ld, Md, Nd, Od, Pd, Qd, Rd, Sd, Td, Ud, Vd, Wd, Xd, Yd, Zd, $d, _d, ae, be, ce, de, ee, fe, ge, he, ie = this, je = d.now(), ke = ib + je, le = a[0], me = 1, ne = a.data(), oe = d(""), pe = d(N(Yb)), qe = d(N(kb)), re = d(N(xb)).appendTo(qe), se = (re[0], d(N(Ab)).appendTo(re)), te = d(), ue = d(N(Db + " " + Fb + rc)), ve = d(N(Db + " " + Gb + rc)), we = ue.add(ve).appendTo(re), xe = d(N(Ib)), ye = d(N(Hb)).appendTo(xe), ze = d(N(Jb)).appendTo(ye), Ae = d(), Be = d(), Ce = (se.data(), ze.data(), d(N(jc)).appendTo(ze)), De = d(N($b + rc)), Ee = De[0], Fe = d(N(mc)), Ge = d(N(nc)).appendTo(re), He = Ge[0], Ie = d(N(qc)), Je = !1, Ke = {}, Le = {}, Me = {}, Ne = {}, Oe = {}, Pe = {}, Qe = {}, Re = {}, Se = 0, Te = []; qe[Xc] = d(N(yb)), qe[Zc] = d(N(Mb + " " + Ob + rc, N(ic))), qe[Yc] = d(N(Mb + " " + Nb + rc, N(hc))), Qe[Xc] = [], Qe[Zc] = [], Qe[Yc] = [], Re[Xc] = {}, qe.addClass(Ic ? mb : lb).toggleClass(qb, !e.controlsonstart), ne.fotorama = this, ie.startAutoplay = function (a) { return ie.autoplay ? this : (ce = de = !1, t(a || e.autoplay), jd(), this) }, ie.stopAutoplay = function () { return ie.autoplay && (ce = de = !0, jd()), this }, ie.show = function (a) { var b; "object" != typeof a ? (b = a, a = {}) : b = a.index, b = ">" === b ? Gd + 1 : "<" === b ? Gd - 1 : "<<" === b ? 0 : ">>" === b ? zd - 1 : b, b = isNaN(b) ? L(b, yd, !0) : b, b = "undefined" == typeof b ? Je || 0 : b, ie.activeIndex = Je = z(b), Id = E(Je), Jd = U(Je), Kd = x(Je + (Yd ? -1 : 1)), Ed = [Je, Id, Jd], Gd = Md ? b : Je; var c = Math.abs(Hd - Gd), d = w(a.time, function () { return Math.min(Vd * (1 + (c - 1) / 12), 2 * Vd) }), f = a.overPos; a.slow && (d *= 10); var g = Dd; ie.activeFrame = Dd = yd[Je]; var i = g === Dd && !a.user; md(Cd, Dd.i !== yd[x(Fd)].i), lc(Ed, "stage"), tc(Mc ? [Gd] : [Gd, E(Gd), U(Gd)]), rd("go", !0), i || fd("show", { user : a.user, time : d }), ce = !0; var j = ie.show.onEnd = function (b) { if (!j.ok) { if (j.ok = !0, b || cd(!0), i || fd("showend", { user : a.user }), !b && Wd && Wd !== e.transition) return ie.setOptions({ transition : Wd }), void(Wd = !1); Sb(), Pb(Ed, "stage"), rd("go", !1), Hc(), od(), id(), jd() } }; if (Sd) { var k = Dd[Xc], l = Je !== Hd ? yd[Hd][Xc] : null; ab(k, l, te, { time : d, method : e.transition, onEnd : j }, Te) } else _(se, { pos : -r(Gd, Le.w, e.margin, Fd), overPos : f, time : d, onEnd : j }); if (Gc(), Nd) { Tc(); var m = y(Je + h(Gd - Hd, -1, 1)); Rc({ time : d, coo : m !== Je && a.coo, guessIndex : "undefined" != typeof a.coo ? m : Je, keep : i }), Od && Oc(d) } return be = "undefined" != typeof Hd && Hd !== Je, Hd = Je, e.hash && be && !ie.eq && H(Dd.id || Je + 1), this }, ie.requestFullScreen = function () { return Qd && !ie.fullScreen && (_d = Ec.scrollTop(), ae = Ec.scrollLeft(), Q(Ec), rd("x", !0), ee = d.extend({}, Le), a.addClass(Zb).appendTo(Dc.addClass(jb)), Cc.addClass(jb), md(Cd, !0, !0), ie.fullScreen = !0, Rd && vc.request(le), ie.resize(), Pb(Ed, "stage"), Sb(), fd("fullscreenenter")), this }, ie.cancelFullScreen = function () { return Rd && vc.is() ? vc.cancel(b) : kd(), this }, ie.toggleFullScreen = function () { return ie[(ie.fullScreen ? "cancel" : "request") + "FullScreen"]() }, T(b, vc.event, function () { !yd || vc.is() || Cd || kd() }), ie.resize = function (a) { if (!yd) return this; var b = arguments[1] || 0, c = arguments[2]; ed(ie.fullScreen ? { width : "100%", maxwidth : null, minwidth : null, height : "100%", maxheight : null, minheight : null } : R(a), [Le, c || ie.fullScreen || e]); var d = Le.width, f = Le.height, g = Le.ratio, i = Ec.height() - (Nd ? ye.height() : 0); return q(d) && (qe.addClass(ub).css({ width : d, minWidth : Le.minwidth || 0, maxWidth : Le.maxwidth || ad }), d = Le.W = Le.w = qe.width(), Le.nw = Nd && p(e.navwidth, d) || d, e.glimpse && (Le.w -= Math.round(2 * (p(e.glimpse, d) || 0))), se.css({ width : Le.w, marginLeft : (Le.W - Le.w) / 2 }), f = p(f, i), f = f || g && d / g, f && (d = Math.round(d), f = Le.h = Math.round(h(f, p(Le.minheight, i), p(Le.maxheight, i))), re.stop().animate({ width : d, height : f }, b, function () { qe.removeClass(ub) }), cd(), Nd && (ye.stop().animate({ width : Le.nw }, b), Rc({ guessIndex : Je, time : b, keep : !0 }), Od && wc.nav && Oc(b)), $d = c || !0, xd())), Se = re.offset().left, this }, ie.setOptions = function (a) { return d.extend(e, a), vd(), this }, ie.shuffle = function () { return yd && O(yd) && vd(), this }, ie.destroy = function () { return ie.cancelFullScreen(), ie.stopAutoplay(), yd = ie.data = null, j(), Ed = [], bd(Xc), vd.ok = !1, this }, ie.playVideo = function () { var a = Dd, b = a.video, c = Je; return "object" == typeof b && a.videoReady && (Rd && ie.fullScreen && ie.cancelFullScreen(), G(function () { return !vc.is() || c !== Je }, function () { c === Je && (a.$video = a.$video || d(d.Fotorama.jst.video(b)), a.$video.appendTo(a[Xc]), qe.addClass(nb), Cd = a.$video, o(), we.blur(), De.blur(), fd("loadvideo")) })), this }, ie.stopVideo = function () { return md(Cd, !0, !0), this }, re.on("mousemove", od), Me = db(se, { onStart : gd, onMove : function (a, b) { ld(re, b.edge) }, onTouchEnd : hd, onEnd : function (a) { ld(re); var b = (Nc && !ge || a.touch) && e.arrows && "always" !== e.arrows; if (a.moved || b && a.pos !== a.newPos && !a.control) { var c = s(a.newPos, Le.w, e.margin, Fd); ie.show({ index : c, time : Sd ? Vd : a.time, overPos : a.overPos, user : !0 }) } else a.aborted || a.control || qd(a.startEvent, b) }, timeLow : 1, timeHigh : 1, friction : 2, select : "." + Xb + ", ." + Xb + " *", $wrap : re }), Oe = db(ze, { onStart : gd, onMove : function (a, b) { ld(ye, b.edge) }, onTouchEnd : hd, onEnd : function (a) { function b() { Rc.l = a.newPos, id(), jd(), uc(a.newPos, !0) } if (a.moved) a.pos !== a.newPos ? (ce = !0, _(ze, { time : a.time, pos : a.newPos, overPos : a.overPos, onEnd : b }), uc(a.newPos), Xd && ld(ye, K(a.newPos, Oe.min, Oe.max))) : b(); else { var c = a.$target.closest("." + Mb, ze)[0]; c && sd.call(c, a.startEvent) } }, timeLow : .5, timeHigh : 2, friction : 5, $wrap : ye }), Ne = eb(re, { shift : !0, onEnd : function (a, b) { gd(), hd(), ie.show({ index : b, slow : a.altKey }) } }), Pe = eb(ye, { onEnd : function (a, b) { gd(), hd(); var c = v(ze) + .25 * b; ze.css(k(h(c, Oe.min, Oe.max))), Xd && ld(ye, K(c, Oe.min, Oe.max)), Pe.prevent = { "<" : c >= Oe.max, ">" : c <= Oe.min }, clearTimeout(Pe.t), Pe.t = setTimeout(function () { Rc.l = c, uc(c, !0) }, Pc), uc(c) } }), qe.hover(function () { setTimeout(function () { fe || nd(!(ge = !0)) }, 0) }, function () { ge && nd(!(ge = !1)) }), M(we, function (a) { Y(a), td.call(this, a) }, { onStart : function () { gd(), Me.control = !0 }, onTouchEnd : hd }), we.each(function () { W(this, function (a) { td.call(this, a) }), ud(this) }), W(Ee, ie.toggleFullScreen), ud(Ee), d.each("load push pop shift unshift reverse sort splice".split(" "), function (a, b) { ie[b] = function () { return yd = yd || [], "load" !== b ? Array.prototype[b].apply(yd, arguments) : arguments[0] && "object" == typeof arguments[0] && arguments[0].length && (yd = P(arguments[0])), vd(), ie } }), vd() }, d.fn.fotorama = function (b) { return this.each(function () { var c = this, e = d(this), f = e.data(), g = f.fotorama; g ? g.setOptions(b, !0) : G(function () { return !E(c) }, function () { f.urtext = e.html(), new d.Fotorama(e, d.extend({}, cd, a.fotoramaDefaults, b, f)) }) }) }, d.Fotorama.instances = [], d.Fotorama.cache = {}, d.Fotorama.measures = {}, d = d || {}, d.Fotorama = d.Fotorama || {}, d.Fotorama.jst = d.Fotorama.jst || {}, d.Fotorama.jst.style = function (a) { { var b, c = ""; tc.escape } return c += ".fotorama" + (null == (b = a.s) ? "" : b) + " .fotorama__nav--thumbs .fotorama__nav__frame{\npadding:" + (null == (b = a.m) ? "" : b) + "px;\nheight:" + (null == (b = a.h) ? "" : b) + "px}\n.fotorama" + (null == (b = a.s) ? "" : b) + " .fotorama__thumb-border{\nheight:" + (null == (b = a.h - a.b * (a.q ? 0 : 2)) ? "" : b) + "px;\nborder-width:" + (null == (b = a.b) ? "" : b) + "px;\nmargin-top:" + (null == (b = a.m) ? "" : b) + "px}" }, d.Fotorama.jst.video = function (a) { function b() { c += d.call(arguments, "") } var c = "", d = (tc.escape, Array.prototype.join); return c += '